The Kitchen Press

Re-discovering life with my camera.

Meet Maew

Simmons family

Simmons family I met Maew while covering an assignment for Edible Austin.  (Check out her and her husband’s story at Edible Austin’s last issue. “When Harry met Maew” it is a wonderful story about love and hard work by Claire Cella)

The day of the photo shoot Maew”s farm (Simmons Family Farm) was wet and muddy and Maew had to lend me a pair of her boots.  By mid-day my boots were covered with  so much mud  I felt I was wearing bricks instead of shoes, and I was beginning to get tired.  I noticed Maew’s boots where as muddy  as mine,  yet she did not complain.  I guess it was an everyday matter for her and I felt spoiled.

It is very easy to get disconnected and forget how hard farmers work. After leaving Maew that day I wanted to let her know  how much it means to me her hard work and how much I respect and appreciate it. These days every time I visit a farmer’s market I think about her and my heavy boots,  I visit often and pay what it’s worth,  (I think it is worth every cent)  and I leave grateful for a  glorious  bundle of food.

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